74 Results for:

December 1, 2003

North Korea
Neocon Calls Bush’s Policy Toward North Korea ’Confused’

The Daily Yomiuri: How would you define neoconservativism?Boot: I’d have to put it in the context of the three main schools of American foreign policy. One is the realpolitik school, which holds that…

July 14, 2005

Kissinger: Don’t Exclude Military Action Against Iran if Negotiations Fail

Former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, in a wide-ranging discussion of foreign-policy issues, says he is disturbed at the possibility that Iran will develop nuclear weapons know-how if current…

September 13, 2005

Drozdiak: Upcoming German Election, ‘Most Important’ in Nearly Forty Years

William Drozdiak, president of the American Council on Germany, and a former foreign editor of the Washington Post, says this Sunday’s parliamentary election in Germany “is probably the most importan…

December 13, 2005

Elections and Voting
Brown: Makeup of New Iraqi Government Crucial to Iraqi Future

Nathan Brown, an expert on Arab constitutions, who has devoted particular attention to the Iraqi political scene, says that the makeup of the new Iraqi government after Thursday’s parliamentary elect…

March 27, 2006

United States
Sweig: Reversing Anti-American Sentiment Requires New U.S. Engagement on Global Problems

Julia Sweig, Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fellow for Latin American Studies, is author of a new book on what she calls "the Anti-American Century." She says there are many ways the United Stat…