4 Results for:

October 15, 2018

New Interactive Reports on Women's Economic Empowerment

Closing the gender gap in the workforce could add a staggering $28 trillion to the global GDP—yet most countries still have laws that make it harder for women to work than men. Two new CFR interactiv…

A worker during the manufacturing process for a tablet computer at a factory in Egypt.

April 22, 2015

International Organizations
Earth Gets Its Day: When Will It Get Its Due?

Earth Day 2015 finds the planet in dire straits. Future generations will mock the inanity of designating a single day each year to honor the Earth while despoiling the planet on which human well-bein…

A photo of Earth—dubbed "Earthrise"—taken by U.S. astronaut William Anders during the Apollo 8 mission in December 1968.