24 Results for:

December 15, 2011

Was the Iraq War Worth It?

As the U.S. military formally ends operations in Iraq, four top expert voices in the debate on the war differ over whether it merited the cost in blood, treasure, and U.S. credibility.

September 3, 2015

Middle East and North Africa
The Middle East After the Iran Nuclear Deal

The nuclear deal inked by Iran and major powers has implications not just for proliferation, but Middle Eastern security as well. Five experts weigh in on what the deal means for regional powers and …

March 28, 2014

Will Presidential Elections Bring Stability to Afghanistan?

Afghanistan’s presidential election could be a democratic milestone, or may be marred by insurgent violence and fraud. Four experts weigh the election’s importance.

December 1, 2022

The Iraq War

In March 2003, U.S. forces invaded Iraq vowing to destroy Iraqi weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and end the dictatorial rule of Saddam Hussein. When WMD intelligence proved illusory and a violent insurgency arose, the war lost public support. Saddam was captured, tried, and hanged and democratic elections were held. In the years since, there have been over 4,700 U.S. and allied troop deaths, and more than one hundred thousand Iraqi civilians have been killed. Meanwhile, questions linger over Iraq's fractious political situation.

December 1, 2010

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Will WikiLeaks Hobble U.S. Diplomacy?

The WikiLeaks revelations aren’t likely to do lasting damage, but CFR experts say they will make it harder to collaborate with governments such as Pakistan, hurt sensitive relationships, and hinder t…