360 Results for:

April 6, 2011

Earthquake, Tsunami Hit Japan: Assessing the Economic Impact

The earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan will have a severe, lasting impact on the Japanese economy, says CFR’s Sheila Smith, Senior Fellow for Japan Studies.

April 13, 2011

Energy and Climate Policy
Libya Rocks Oil Markets

As fighting continues across Libya, CFR’s Senior Fellow for Energy and the Environment, Michael Levi, says the main cause of volatility in oil markets hasn’t been the physical impact on oil productio…

April 14, 2011

Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Is Not al-Qaeda, Says CFR Senior Fellow Ed Husain

Senior Fellow Ed Husain discusses Egypt’s largest Islamist organization, and how it may be more willing to engage in diplomacy than al-Qaeda.

April 18, 2011

Emerging Markets
Spence: Emerging Market Investment Boom Ahead

Economist A. Michael Spence says emerging market growth is going to produce a boom in investment, which in turn may lead to higher interest rates globally, and a tendency to intervene in internatio…

April 21, 2011

CFR’s Campbell: Sounding the Alarm on Boko Haram

CFR’s John Campbell says deteriorating economic and social conditions in Northern Nigeria are behind the recurring upsurge in Boko Haram’s activity. Campbell cautions that the circumstances enabling …