25 Results for:

May 12, 2006

Bolivia’s Nationalization of Oil and Gas

In a region seen as turning leftward, forging alliances would seem a natural course of events. But Bolivian President Evo Morales’ decision to nationalize the oil and gas industry is exposing tension…

April 16, 2008

Energy Bottlenecks in South America

South America faces energy shortfalls at the same time that several countries have nationalized energy resources. Experts say a lack of cooperation on energy policy could hinder regional economic gro…

November 18, 2005

U.S.-Venezuelan Relations

This publication is now archived. What recent developments have upset U.S.-Venezuelan relations?Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez made headlines at the November Summit of the Americas by helping to un…

February 8, 2008

The French Military in Africa

France has been reviewing its military doctrine in Africa, with a new emphasis on multilateralism. But events in Chad suggest unilateral action remains on the table.