134 Results for:

December 17, 2008

United States
Bush Administration ’Drained and Lessened’ American Power in World

As President George W. Bush enters his final month in office, Leslie H. Gelb, a former high-ranking national security official who served ten years as CFR’s president, assesses the Bush administratio…

December 14, 2005

Lasensky: Syria Clearly Acting As If It Has ‘Something to Hide’

Scott Lasensky, a Middle East specialist for the United States Institute of Peace, says pressure is mounting on President Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria overthe assassination of former Lebanese Pr…

March 27, 2006

United States
Sweig: Reversing Anti-American Sentiment Requires New U.S. Engagement on Global Problems

Julia Sweig, Council on Foreign Relations Senior Fellow for Latin American Studies, is author of a new book on what she calls "the Anti-American Century." She says there are many ways the United Stat…

November 20, 2002

Security Alliances
NATO Fading Away by 2010, Says Council’s Europe Studies Director Charles Kupchan

Charles A. Kupchan, the Council’s Director of Europe Studies, says that by the end of the decade, “the U.S. will have very little business left in Europe.” As the NATO summit meets in Prague, Kupchan…

February 25, 2009

United States
Weighing Obama’s Packed Reform Agenda

CFR economic expert Sebastian Mallaby credits President Obama with highlighting the long-term structural reforms needed to repair the U.S. economy and competitiveness, but says the scope of reforms m…