156 Results for:

August 25, 2022

West Africa
Preventing Conflict in Coastal West Africa

The Global Fragility Act allows the United States to encourage greater stability in Benin, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, and Togo over the next ten years, argues Eric Silla, though it will be contentio…

A police officer looks on protesters blocking the road in Conakry, Guinea.

December 13, 2021

Conflict Prevention
Major Power Rivalry and Multilateral Conflict Management

Despite growing rivalry among the major powers, multilateral institutions like the United Nations can continue to play a vital role in the management of violent conflict. Washington should look for opportunities to work with these institutions and, where needed, bolster their role in cooperation with other powers to manage future regional threats to peace.

May 4, 2021

Technology and Innovation
Open Access Fiber to Improve U.S. Internet Connectivity

To avoid falling behind the rest of the world on internet speed and access, the United States should rapidly deploy fiber-optic internet nationwide. 

Close-up of Joe Biden in a blue suit and blue tie, speaking and gesturing with his right hand, in front of several U.S. flags

July 27, 2020

United Nations
From Norm-Takers to Norm-Makers

African UN member states should act as unifiers and conveners rather than dividers. More coordination could help them overcome the structural challenges they face at the United Nations.

From a zoomed-out, interior perspective, a man walks out of the UN headquarters.

May 29, 2020

Election 2020
Banning Covert Foreign Election Interference

The United States is one of the countries that is most susceptible to foreign election interference. To safeguard the U.S. elections in November, Robert K. Knake argues that the United States and oth…

President Donald J. Trump holds up an executive order in front of a crowd at the White House.