50 Results for:

November 30, 2010

Sharia and Militancy

Experts say Islamic law, or sharia, holds wide appeal for Muslim populations in many countries and is beginning to spread via democratic means, but it is also being used as a tool of Islamic militanc…

September 1, 2009

Sub-Saharan Africa
The African Union

The African Union succeeded the old Organization for African Unity (OAU) in 2002. Since then, the new institution has struggled to reform governing bodies inherited from the OAU while shouldering cha…

August 31, 2009

Elections and Voting
The Rise of Political Opposition in Japan

Opposition victory in Japan’s 2009 parliamentary election served as a watershed moment in the country’s electoral politics. Analysts say political change in Tokyo could result in a possible shift in …

May 12, 2009

Vatican City
Vatican-Israel Relations

Relations between the Vatican and Israel are a complex combination of diplomacy mixed with interfaith discussion.

March 16, 2009

United States
Debating a ’Clean Coal’ Future

As U.S. lawmakers debate a cap-and-trade policy to combat climate change, experts say coal will continue to be a major part of the world’s energy mix, which will likely complicate efforts to curb gre…