34 Results for:

April 20, 2004

What Works in Girls' Education

Overview Investing in girls’ education globally delivers huge returns for economic growth, political participation, women’s health, smaller and more sustainable families, and disease prevention, c…

November 30, 2011

Conditional Normalization with Myanmar

Over the past year, Myanmar, ruled for five decades by the military, has undergone its most dramatic reforms in decades. A new civilian government has begun opening the economy, freeing political pri…

Conditional Normalization with Myanmar header

November 1, 2001

Democratizing U.S. Trade Policy

Public opinion polls consistently demonstrate that, although the American public supports freer trade in theory, it often has profound reservations about trade liberalization in practice. This hesita…


January 1, 1997

Shaping U.S.-China Relations

Overview The rise of China in world affairs is a major feature of our era. An increasingly contentious debate has erupted in the United States over how to respond to this development. Figuring out…


July 23, 2012

Security Alliances
Japan-South Korea Relations: Time to Open Both Eyes

There is an old Russian proverb that applies to current Japan-South Korea (ROK) relations: "Forget the past and lose an eye; dwell on the past and lose both eyes!" The Japanese, it would appear, are …

Japan-South Korea Relations header