47 Results for:

August 8, 2024

Sub-Saharan Africa
Africa and the Gulf Are Growing Closer. Will It Increase Global Tensions?

The Gulf states are angling for closer ties with African countries, and the feeling is mutual. But critics say differences over governance values, labor rights, and ongoing conflicts could stoke tens…

April 17, 2024

Can Egypt’s Economic Overhaul Stave Off Crisis?

International lenders have pumped tens of billions of dollars into Egypt’s faltering economy amid the war in the Gaza Strip, but experts say the country’s economic crisis is not yet resolved.

December 22, 2022

Lula Is Back. What Does That Mean for Brazil?

President-Elect Lula will soon take office in Brazil, more than a decade after his second term ended. What’s in store for this third Lula administration?

December 19, 2022

Why Was Peru’s President Impeached?

The impeachment of President Pedro Castillo Terrones marks Peru’s latest political crisis. As violent protests extend into their second week, what’s in store for the Andean nation?

November 4, 2022

Do U.S. Sanctions on Venezuela Work?

Given Venezuela’s urgent humanitarian needs and the global energy crunch, Washington is considering easing sanctions on Caracas in exchange for democratic reforms.

June 14, 2022

United States
How Is Biden Handling DACA?

The Obama-era policy protecting young undocumented immigrants from deportation has faced a raft of legal challenges. It could be up to the Supreme Court to decide the program’s fate.