48 Results for:

August 29, 2006

Wages, Walmart and the debate about the Global Economy -

Both the Financial Times (Krishna Guha) and the Wall Street Journal (Greg Ip) ran articles summarizing the papers presented at Jackson Hole.   I liked Guha’s summary more than Ip’s summary, largely b…

April 18, 2006

Not working — China’s attempts to rebalance its economy

China's leaders talk of rebalancing the basis for Chinese growth, shifting from exports and investment to consumption.   That makes a lot of sense to me.  China's economy is every bit as unbalanced a…

August 19, 2005

Comments on Dooley, Garber and Folkerts-Landau: part 1, China

As usual, Michael Dooley, Peter Garber and David Folkerts-Landau are provocative. And in a lot areas, the arguments made by those - like Dooley, Garber and Folkerts-Landau -- who argue that the Brett…

China Reserves Graph

October 26, 2006

Monetary Policy
Trillionaires R Us

The rewards for guestimating the currency composition of China’s reserves pale relative to the rewards for lending your credibility to China’s effort to clean up and recapitalize its banking system. …

August 1, 2005

Can China add close to $300 b to its reserves a year and have no impact on the bond market?

Rarely do I disagree with the premise of an article more than with the Mark Whitehouse  Friday C1  Wall Street Journal article "China's Move Makes No Waves in Bond Market." Premise.  China moved.  It…