414 Results for:

November 30, 2009

Climate Change
Assessing China’s Carbon-Cutting Proposal

China’s newly announced goal for cutting carbon intensity reflects important Chinese policy shifts of recent years, but fails to offer significant new measures to cut emissions, writes CFR’s Michael …

September 10, 2009

United States
Is New York a Counterterrorism Model?

New York City has developed a sophisticated local and global counterterrorism program since the 9/11 attacks, writes CFR’s Lydia Khalil. Now the NYPD must determine from where the next terrorism thre…

December 2, 2009

Elections and Voting
Avoiding Elections at Any Cost in Iraq

CFR’s Rachel Schneller says Iraqi political factions should be given time to sort out their power-sharing rules rather than be rushed into elections in January 2010, a date pegged to U.S. troop withd…

March 24, 2011

Thailand: A Democratic Failure and Its Lessons for the Middle East

In this Markets and Democracy Brief, CFR’s Joshua Kurlantzick analyzes Thailand’s democratic failure and offers lessons from the Thai experience for new governments and reformers in the Middle East.

June 9, 2011

Thailand’s Elections: Resolution or Implosion?

Thailand’s general elections in July could mark a crucial step toward reconciliation but are likely to fuel further resentments that have roiled the country and eroded regional stability, says CFR’s …