60 Results for:

December 12, 2006

Steinberg: Israel Sees Diplomatic Proposals in Baker-Hamilton Report a Rerun of ‘Failed’ Policies of Past

primeGerald Steinberg, a consultant to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Security Council, who specializes in Middle East diplomatic and security issues, says that sections in the Baker-Ham…

November 3, 2006

Landis: Iraq War Sapping U.S. Influence in Lebanon

Joshua Landis, an expert on Syria and Lebanon, says the drawn-out Iraq conflict has fed an image of declining U.S. influence in Lebanon, which has led Hezbollah to try to weaken, if not overthrow, th…

October 14, 2009

Solving the Syrian Puzzle

CFR’s Mohamad Bazzi says Syria continues to "meddle" in the business of many states in the Mideast but could be a useful partner for the United States in the region.

January 16, 2007

Conflict Prevention
Cook: Israeli-Palestinian Talks Linked to Iraqi Problem

Steven A. Cook, a leading Middle East expert, says the current U.S. effort to make progress in the Israeli-Palestinian talks is inevitably linked to the U.S. desire to get Arab support for the shaky …

July 27, 2006

Indyk: Keep Syria and Iran Out of Negotiations Over Lebanon

Martin S. Indyk, a former top U.S.policymaker on the Middle East, says it would be wrong to invite Iran and Syria, the major backers of Hezbollah, into negotiations to end the current fighting betwee…