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January 10, 2003

Venezuela So Polarized That Crisis Could Dramatically Worsen, Says Council’s Latin America Studies Deputy Director Julia Sweig

Julia Sweig, the Council on Foreign Relations’ deputy director of Latin America Studies, says that strikes and demonstrations against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez could continue for months …

January 21, 2003

Bush Has Choice: Early War with Iraq or Wait for Saddam to Slip and Reveal “Smoking Gun,” Says Council’s Lee Feinstein

Lee Feinstein, the director for Security Affairs at the Council on Foreign Relations, says that President Bush may decide to use the State of the Union address to launch a “second phase” of…

January 23, 2003

Bush Administration Obliged to Seek U.N. Security Council Backing for Iraq War, Says Former Chief Weapons Inspector Richard Butler

Richard Butler, who headed the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM), the weapons inspection agency in Iraq until 1998, says that Iraq has clearly violated U.N. resolutions barring its possessi…

January 28, 2003

General Bernard E. Trainor Sees War with Iraq Starting by Mid-March and Ending with Quick U.S.-led Victory

Bernard E. Trainor, a retired three-star Marine general and a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, says a war against Iraq could start in the period from late February to the middle of…

January 30, 2003

Murphy Says He Expects War by End of February; Saudis Promoting Plan to Persuade Saddam Hussein to Go Into Exile

Richard W. Murphy, the Council on Foreign Relations Hasib J. Sabbagh Senior Fellow in Middle East Studies, says that, barring some major concessions by Iraq, he expects a war by the end of February…