36 Results for:

April 22, 2015

A Hundred Years On, Armenian Genocide Reverberates

A century after the mass killings and displacement of the Ottoman Empire’s Armenians, four experts reflect on the present-day echoes of those atrocities and the path forward.

December 1, 2010

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Will WikiLeaks Hobble U.S. Diplomacy?

The WikiLeaks revelations aren’t likely to do lasting damage, but CFR experts say they will make it harder to collaborate with governments such as Pakistan, hurt sensitive relationships, and hinder t…

July 21, 2010

Debating the New START Treaty

With the U.S. Senate set to consider ratification of President Obama’s new nuclear nonproliferation strategy, four experts assess the strengths and weaknesses of the New START agreement.

September 1, 2016

United States
Debating the Legality of the Post-9/11 ‘Forever War’

The Authorization for the Use of Military Force, passed by Congress in the immediate aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attacks, has been cited by the Bush and Obama administrations as sanctioning …

A helicopter picks up U.S. soldiers after a night raid in Afghanistan’s Paktika Province.

November 3, 2009

President Obama Tours Asia

Ahead of President Obama’s Asia trip, CFR experts Sheila Smith, Joshua Kurlantzick, Elizabeth Economy, and Scott Snyder discuss what the president should focus on during his visit to Japan, Singapore…