283 Results for:

February 10, 2023

Latin America
Can Amazon Countries Save the Rain Forest?

The Amazon Rainforest plays a critical role in global climate health, but accelerating deforestation continues to raise alarm. How are the region’s governments responding?

A deforested area of the rain forest near the Trans-Amazonian Highway in Brazil.

February 2, 2023

China’s Massive Belt and Road Initiative

China’s colossal infrastructure investments may usher in a new era of trade and growth for economies in Asia and beyond. But skeptics worry that China is laying a debt trap for borrowing governments…

Aerial view of a railway that cuts through lush Indonesian jungle.

January 3, 2023

United States
What Happens When Foreign Investment Becomes a Security Risk?

The United States and other Western countries are reevaluating their foreign investment regulations amid an uptick in Chinese interest in strategic sectors.

Chinese 100 yuan banknotes and U.S. $100 notes