3,265 Results for:

August 1, 2005

Summarizing China in one paragraph …

is hard, but James McGregor gave it a go in the Sunday Washington Post: It is difficult to overstate the transformation that has swept China in the past 15 years. To frame it in terms of comparable h…

August 17, 2005

Emerging Markets
Fuel subsidies (and fuel shortages) in emerging economies

If you care to head to Baghdad - and are willing to wait in line - you can fill up your car with premium gasoline for 3.3 cents a liter (around 13 cents a gallon).  Basic gasoline goes for just more …

September 12, 2005

Show me the money (really, show me China’s reserves)

China's Alan Greenspan (Zhou Xiaochuan) has indicated China won't roil financial markets with "active composition adjustments of the foreign reserves."  fine.   But any central bank adding about $20 …

October 14, 2005

Financial Markets
Are tax breaks for houses at risk?

Last weekend's Los Angeles Times (via the Economist's View) article on Bush's advisory commission made it pretty clear that at least one member of the commission, Charles Rossotti, had  tax breaks fo…

October 16, 2005

Is Tim Adams a closet Democrat? And some other musings on Snow’s trip to China

Clearly not, given his role in the Bush/ Cheney 2004 campaign. But he also seems to think China should develop a social insurance system to help spur domestic consumption.   Read Friday's Wall Street…