122 Results for:

March 25, 2009

United States
Human Rights Reporting and U.S. Foreign Policy

The U.S. State Department’s annual global rating of human rights performance antagonizes friend and foe alike. Many rights activists embrace the reports while some express doubts about their influenc…

February 7, 2005

INTELLIGENCE: National Intelligence Czar

This publication is now archived. Does the United States need a national intelligence czar?The 9/11 Commission report released July 22 recommends that Congress create a Cabinet-level post to oversee …

January 17, 2008

Rebuilding Iraq

Western efforts to rebuild Iraq have focused on military and political progress but revival of civilian infrastructure lags badly.

November 20, 2008

Energy and Climate Policy
Turkey at an Energy Crossroads

Terrorist attacks and an emergent Russia are posing new challenges to Turkey’s energy strategy, but some analysts warn it could be Western Europe that gets squeezed.

April 23, 2008

Finding a Place for the ‘Sons of Iraq’

The Sunni awakening movement and the Sons of Iraq security forces it inspired helped restore peace. Iraq’s long-term stability could hinge on keeping the movement satiated, experts say.