36 Results for:

August 15, 2018

Saudi Arabia
Tesla: The Risks of a Foreign Buyout

If Tesla goes private with significant funding from Saudi Arabia or other foreign investors, it would raise national security and ethical questions.  

Tesla tires

August 23, 2018

United States
The Debate Over U.S. Security Clearances: What to Know

President Trump’s revocation of a former CIA director's security clearance has stirred up a debate about access to government secrets, free speech, and democratic norms.  

Security Clearances John Brennan

October 23, 2018

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
NATO’s Trident Juncture Exercises: What to Know

The military exercises in and around Norway are a significant test of NATO’s collective defenses at a time of rising geopolitical tensions.

NATO Trident Juncture Pic

January 28, 2019

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
The Ailing INF Treaty: What to Know

A collapse of this Cold War–era INF treaty, which many believe has favored the United States, could unleash a new age of nuclear weapons competition with Russia.

INF Treaty

February 8, 2019

Nigeria’s Election: What to Know

The Giant of Africa’s next president will have to contend with daunting security and economic challenges.

Supporters sit on camels during a campaign rally for President Muhammadu Buhari in Kano.