50 Results for:

August 17, 2020

Putin and Belarus: Five Reasons Not to Save Lukashenko

Vladimir Putin is no fan of democracy movements in Russia’s neighborhood, but trying to turn off the protests in Belarus will be risky.

June 5, 2020

United States
Trump’s Threat to Use the Military Against Protesters: What to Know

Amid protests against racial injustice, can President Trump deploy the military to bring “law and order” to American streets?

May 28, 2020

Treaties and Agreements
Open Skies: Another Dying Arms Control Agreement?

A pending U.S. withdrawal from the Treaty on Open Skies has alarmed some allies in Europe, who fear losing a valuable means of monitoring Russia.

May 19, 2020

Economic Crises
How Will Aviation Giants Emerge From the Pandemic?

The coronavirus has cut into few industries more deeply than aviation and aerospace, putting some strategically important companies in dire financial straits.

February 21, 2020

What Would a U.S.-Kenya Trade Deal Mean?

The Trump administration hopes that a free trade agreement with Nairobi will be a counterweight to Beijing’s growing role across Africa and a model for bilateral deals with others on the continent.