289 Results for:

April 26, 2004

United States
Bush Foreign Policy: Strategically Right but Tactically Wrong, Writes Walter Russell Mead in New Book

April 23, 2004 - In Power, Terror, Peace, and War, Council Fellow Walter Russell Mead, one of the most original writers on U.S. foreign policy, provides a fascinating and timely account of the Bush a…

October 10, 2005

Kate-Moss-thin credit spreads

I never thought I would ever share space in an article with Kate Moss.   We do not exactly move in the same circles.  But William Pesek somehow found a connection - or a least a vivid metaphor. …

November 3, 2005

Financial Markets
Gerd Hausler is a brave man.

Hausler heads the IMF's capital market division - so he is paid to worry.  And he is not all that worried: "I don't see a systemic crisis" That is a bold thing to say - even if he is right to note t…

January 30, 2006

Emerging Markets
It is hard to bet on curve flattening when the curve is already flat

Or spread compression when spreads have already compressed. As David Altig kindly noted, I was quoted in Clint Riley's Wall Street Journal story about the impact of a flat yield curve on bank earning…

April 5, 2006

Political History and Theory
Thicker Than Oil: America’s Uneasy Partnership with Saudi Arabia

Council Senior Fellow and Director for Middle East and Gulf Studies Rachel Bronson reveals why the U.S.-Saudi partnership became so intimate and how the countries’ shared interests sowed the seeds of…