54 Results for:

July 27, 2009

Un sistema de inmigración defectuoso pone en peligro de dañar seriamente los intereses nacionales de EU, advierte grupo de trabajo del CFR

El fracaso continuo en idear y poner en marcha una política de inmigración sólida y sostenible amenaza con debilitar la economía estadounidense, y pone en peligro su diplomacia y su seguridad nacio…

June 11, 2010

United States
Government Should Encourage Investment in "Small Enough to Fail" Hedge Funds, Urges CFR’s Sebastian Mallaby in New Book

In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, policymakers in the United States and around the world have focused on the problem of "too big to fail" institutions, debating remedies ranging from h…

March 12, 2006

Saddam’s Delusions

An exclusive report in the May/June Foreign Affairs by the key authors of the Pentagon’s secret study of Saddam Hussein’s regime, based on captured Iraqi documents and prisoner interviews.The fall of…

July 6, 2009

Immigration and Migration
Broken Immigration System Risks Serious Damage to U.S. National Interests, Warns CFR Task Force

"The continued failure to devise and implement a sound and sustainable immigration policy threatens to weaken America’s economy, to jeopardize its diplomacy, and to imperil its national security," …

February 24, 2004

United States
Lack of Nonlethal Weapons Capabilities Hindering U.S. Efforts in Postwar Iraq; Experts Urge Department of Defense to Increase Spending Seven-Fold

February 26, 2004 - Wider integration of nonlethal weapons (NLW) into the U.S. Army and Marine Corps could have reduced damage, saved lives, and helped to limit the widespread looting and sabotage th…