11 Results for:

February 29, 2024

United Nations
Funding the United Nations: How Much Does the U.S. Pay?

Many UN agencies, programs, and missions receive crucial funding from the United States. The Trump administration sharply reduced funding to some UN agencies, but President Biden has largely reversed…

A child peeks out from a blue and white tent managed by the UN refugee agency.

June 10, 2022

United States
U.S. Gun Policy: Global Comparisons

The United States is witnessing another year of record gun violence, raising domestic and international scrutiny of its comparatively loose gun laws and placing pressure on lawmakers to enact meaning…

A gun enthusiast looks at a rifle scope

September 16, 2008

Political History and Theory
Foreign Policy and Political Nominating Conventions

U.S. political conventions offer the parties a place to unite around presidential candidates and a vision for foreign and domestic policy.

George W. Bush Nomination 2004

March 11, 2008

Iraq, Afghanistan, and the U.S. Economy

Estimates of the total long-term economic costs of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars vary wildly and remain hotly disputed among experts.

November 7, 2006

The Cost of the Iraq War

With U.S. forces mired in Iraq, the cost of war has escalated. But some critics decry the manner in which the war is being funded more than the price tag itself.