512 Results for:

March 13, 2003

Task Force Director Says U.S. Cost of Iraqi Peace Stabalization and Reconstruction at Least $20 Billion a Year

Eric Schwartz, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations who served as director of the Council-sponsored Independent Task Force on Iraq: The Day After, says that the United States has to m…

February 14, 2006

Matthew Sherman: Curtailing Militias Key to Formation of Iraqi Security Forces

Matthew Sherman, former deputy senior adviser and director of policy to Iraq ’s Ministry of Interior, discusses the influence of militias, U.S. counterinsurgency efforts, and Iraq ’s rise of organize…

March 22, 2006

Elections and Voting
Belarus Opposition Candidate Kozulin: ’We’re Fed Up’ With Dictatorship

In light of a disappointing performance by the Belarus democratic opposition, dissident Alexander Kozulin tells cfr.org his supporters will never stop trying to liberalize society in the former Sovie…

November 22, 2005

‘Significant’ Changes Beginning in Ukraine Politics, says former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine William Green Miller

William Green Miller, former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine and current senior policy scholar with the Woodrow Wilson Center, says before the Orange Revolution, Ukrainian politics was "still Soviet in it…

February 2, 2006

The Role of Christians in Iraqi Politics

The future of Iraq depends as much on melding the many differences between its Shiite, Sunni, and Kurdish groups as on integrating its smaller ethnic and religious communities. Among its largest mino…