48 Results for:

December 16, 2021

Does the Twenty-First Century Need a New Social Contract?

Richard Haass and Minouche Shafik, director of the London School of Economics, assess the future of the labor market and examine how to provide workers with the skills and training they need in an er…

Podcast New York Stock Exchange

September 19, 2017

A Conversation With Paul Kagame of Rwanda

For further reading, please see the Foreign Affairs article “Kagame’s Unrivaled Power” by Tom Gardner, the CFR blog post “Empowering Women in Developing Economies” by Melanne Verveer and Mathilde Muk…

Play Kagame

October 2, 2020

Beijing at 25: Assessing Women's Economic Progress

Following the twenty-fifth anniversary of the landmark Beijing Declaration, which set strategic objectives for the advancement of women and gender equality, panelists discuss women's economic securit…

Play Women holding a stack of Chinese currency at a bank

May 13, 2020

Women and Women's Rights
Ambassadors for Gender Equality: Who They Are, What They Do, and Why They Matter

Since the United States appointed the first-ever Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues in 2009, ten more countries have followed, creating new posts focused on women's rights and gender equal…

U.S. Ambassador Melanne Verveer

May 6, 2021

Women and Women's Rights
Gendered Disinformation, Democracy, and the Need for a New Digital Social Contract

This post was coauthored by Melanne Verveer, executive director of the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security and former U.S. ambassador for global women’s issues, and Lucina Di Meco, cof…

U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris addresses the media after participating in an event with women small business owners in Rhode Island.