336 Results for:

July 19, 2023

United States
The Dollar: The World’s Reserve Currency

The dollar’s role as the primary reserve currency for the global economy allows the United States to borrow money more easily and impose painful financial sanctions. Other countries are beginning to …

Three $1 bills lie on top of one another, filling the frame.

October 19, 2006

Defense and Security
The Proliferation Security Initiative

The United States launched the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) in 2003 to help curb the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Since then, PSI membership has expanded sevenfold, …

May 25, 2023

Middle East and North Africa
The Arab League

Founded as a loose confederation of states in 1945, the Arab League has struggled to overcome dysfunction and disunity among its members.

Flag of Arab League member states accompany the league's seal

January 4, 2007

United States
110th Congress—Defense Spending Issue Looms

The debate over defense spending will be more contentious than usual as the annual budget process ramps up in Washington.