68 Results for:

November 6, 2007

O’Neil: $1.4 Billion Anti-Drug Plan for Mexico Likely to Win Congressional Approval

Shannon O’Neil, CFR’s Mexico expert, says Washington’s $1.4 billion multiyear plan to bolster Mexico’s crackdown on drug and criminal rings, while drawing criticism, is likely to win congressional ap…

January 4, 2008

United States
Beinart: Iowa Vote Shows ’Anxieties’ Over Globalization in Both Parties

CFR’s Peter Beinart says the Iowa caucuses reveal shifts in the political beliefs of both parties’ bases.

February 6, 2008

United States
Mead: Some Historical Analogies to the 2008 Election

Walter Russell Mead, an award-winning historian, discusses the importance of national security credentials and religion in the presidential nominating contests.

February 11, 2008

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Kay: Recent Iran NIE Recalls Erroneous 2003 Iraq Estimate

David Kay, a veteran international arms inspector, says the publicly released version of the National Intelligence Estimate on Iran was seriously flawed.

July 21, 2008

Will Deal With Iran Be Worked Out?

Gary Sick, a longtime expert on Iran, says both the Iranian and U.S. governments face pressure to compromise and allow talks on Tehran’s nuclear program to move forward.