5 Results for:

February 3, 2011

Monetary Policy
Managing the World's Dollar Dependency

Introduction The global financial crisis has exposed a weakness in the international monetary (non-)system. Desired levels of currency reserves in emerging markets have jumped over the past decade…

Managing the World's Dollar Dependency header

May 30, 2024

Public Health Threats and Pandemics
Climate Change and Public Health Policy

David Fidler, senior fellow for global health and cybersecurity at CFR, discusses the factors shaping U.S. health and climate policy included in his Council Special Report, A New U.S. Foreign Policy …

Play Haze and smoke from Canadian wildfires shroud skies over Washington

January 31, 2022

CFR Fellows' Book Launch Series: "The Power Law"

It is the nature of the venture-capital (VC) game that most attempts at discovery fail, but a very few succeed at such a scale that they more than make up for everything else. That extreme ratio of s…

Play Employees talk to each other in a group surrounded by white desks and computers.