169 Results for:

February 24, 2004

United States
Lack of Nonlethal Weapons Capabilities Hindering U.S. Efforts in Postwar Iraq; Experts Urge Department of Defense to Increase Spending Seven-Fold

February 26, 2004 - Wider integration of nonlethal weapons (NLW) into the U.S. Army and Marine Corps could have reduced damage, saved lives, and helped to limit the widespread looting and sabotage th…

October 27, 2004

Financial Markets
Morgan Stanley: China does not rely much on export led growth

Sometimes you read something and it makes you stop, because it is at odds with your existing sense of how the world economy is working. Drossos and Kinbrough’s argument that China does not rely on a…

January 11, 2005

Financial Markets
Not where we should want to be

It is not a good sign when market strategists say any mention of "fundamentals" is dollar negative. From Wednesday’s FT:Mr Snow reaffirmed that his administration’s concept of a "strong dollar" was …

January 26, 2005

Financial Markets
China reads the Economist. Is the Renminbi undervalued?

While China’s delegation to Davos seems a bit less than enamored with the dollar, the People’s Bank of China seems have read last week’s Economist, and concluded that there is no need to change the …

February 3, 2005

Sub-Saharan Africa
AFRICA: Terror Havens

This publication is now archived. Which states in Africa are terrorist havens?Experts say many nations on the continent bear watching as current or potential havens for international terrorists. A fa…