20 Results for:

July 28, 2014

Mujahadeen-e-Khalq (MEK)

The Mujahedeen-e-Khalq, an exiled Iranian resistance group, continues to stir controversy despite its removal from a U.S. terrorism list.

MEK Iran

September 7, 2006

United States
Targets for Terrorists: Post-9/11 Aviation Security

The air travel system remains one of the most high-profile targets for terrorists. This backgrounder examines efforts to improve aviation security since the 9/11 attacks.

November 3, 2006

Elections and Voting
Congress, Foreign Policy, and the Democratic Party

Polls continue to show Democrats regaining control of at least one house of Congress in the November 7 elections. If this happens, they could exercise greater oversight of executive bodies and trade …

September 27, 2006

Elections and Voting
Foreign Policy and the U.S. Midterm Elections

The U.S. midterm elections for Congress, typically dominated by domestic concerns, may turn on how the public views the role of majority Republicans on a wide range of foreign-policy-related issues, …

January 24, 2013

United States
Congress and U.S. Foreign Policy

U.S. foreign policy is largely directed by presidents, but Congress does have considerable influence, as this CFR Backgrounder explains.