1,358 Results for:

May 27, 2010

Global Governance
Fifteen Nuclear Agendas to Watch

The Review Conference of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty gets underway amid new concerns about Iran and North Korea and disputes between nuclear haves and have-nots. Fifteen countries will play a…

December 4, 2007

Intelligence on Iran Still Lacking

Iran’s alleged meddling in Iraq and Afghanistan and its defiance of orders to halt uranium enrichment have drawn sharp criticism from the west. Amid the rhetoric some analysts and policy makers conti…

February 7, 2005

Middle East and North Africa
MIDDLE EAST: The Disengagement Plan

This publication is now archived. What is Israel’s disengagement plan?Prime Minister Ariel Sharon says Israel may move on its own to evacuate most of the Jewish settlements in Gaza and some in the We…

September 21, 2011

Middle East and North Africa
UN Resolutions on the Mideast and North Africa

Summaries and links to the seminal United Nations Security Council and General Assembly resolutions for the post-colonial period, focusing on those related to the Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle …

July 17, 2008

Angola’s Political and Economic Development

Angola, Africa’s top oil producer, is flush with money. Yet wealth remains concentrated in the hands of a very few, leaving the bulk of the population in poverty.