392 Results for:

March 18, 2004

United States
Transatlantic Alliance Remains Vital to U.S. and Europe in Post-9/11 World, Concludes Council Task Force Led by Henry Kissinger and Lawrence Summers

March 19, 2004 - In the year that has passed since the war in Iraq, the United States and its European allies have done much to repair their relations. Nonetheless, the partnership is still at risk. …

July 27, 2009

Un sistema de inmigración defectuoso pone en peligro de dañar seriamente los intereses nacionales de EU, advierte grupo de trabajo del CFR

El fracaso continuo en idear y poner en marcha una política de inmigración sólida y sostenible amenaza con debilitar la economía estadounidense, y pone en peligro su diplomacia y su seguridad nacio…

April 14, 2003

United States
Senior Statesmen Henry Kissinger and Lawrence Summers Chair New Council Task Force on U.S. Policy Toward Europe

April 14, 2003 - With the United States facing the greatest transatlantic rift in 50 years, former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger and former Secretary of the Treasury Lawrence H. Summers will …

March 11, 2003

United States
President Bush Should ’Stay the Course’ in Postwar Iraq to Ensure Battlefield Victory is not Lost, Says Council Task Force

Stabilization and Reconstruction Could Cost up to $20 Billion per Year for Several Years March 12, 2003 - The President should “make clear to the Congress, to the American people, and to the peo…

July 6, 2009

Immigration and Migration
Broken Immigration System Risks Serious Damage to U.S. National Interests, Warns CFR Task Force

"The continued failure to devise and implement a sound and sustainable immigration policy threatens to weaken America’s economy, to jeopardize its diplomacy, and to imperil its national security," …