41 Results for:

August 24, 2022

United States
How Does U.S. Voter Turnout Compare to the Rest of the World’s?

The debate over how to address persistently low voter turnout is heating up ahead of the midterm elections.

May 10, 2021

By How Much Are Countries Underreporting COVID-19 Cases and Deaths?

As COVID-19 continues to ravage countries including Brazil and India, scientists warn that cases and deaths are being undercounted. Without accurate tallies, government responses won’t be enough to d…

March 25, 2022

United Kingdom
Queen Elizabeth II Is the Monarch of Fifteen Countries. What Does That Mean?

Queen Elizabeth II is the monarch of fourteen countries in addition to the United Kingdom. Barbados’s transition to a republic has revived debate over the future of the Crown.

December 15, 2020

United States
The Challenge of Hurricane Response Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

In 2020, U.S. struggles to manage a record-breaking hurricane season were exacerbated by the COVID-19 crisis. Intensifying storms reveal faults in infrastructure and disaster response that experts sa…