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September 10, 2024

United States
Ronald Reagan on U.S. Global Leadership, with Max Boot

Max Boot, the Jeane J. Kirkpatrick senior fellow for national security studies at CFR and a columnist for The Washington Post, sits down with James M. Lindsay to discuss Ronald Reagan’s life and his …

Podcast President Ronald Reagan at his desk in the Oval Office in Washington, DC. HUM Images/Universal Images Group/Getty Images

September 10, 2024

United States
Understanding Ronald Reagan Is Key to Understanding America, Writes Max Boot in New Book

“It is no exaggeration to say that you cannot fully comprehend what happened to America in the twentieth century without first understanding what happened to Ronald Reagan,” argues Max Boot, the Jean…

September 16, 2024

United States
CFR Fellows' Book Launch Series: Reagan—His Life and Legend by Max Boot

From best-selling biographer Max Boot comes this revelatory portrait, a decade in the making, of the actor-turned-politician whose telegenic leadership ushered in a transformative conservative era in…

Play President Ronald Reagan at Republican convention Rally in 1982.

September 10, 2024

United States

Son of the Midwest, movie star, and mesmerizing politician—America’s fortieth president comes to three-dimensional life in this gripping and profoundly revisionist biography.

August 21, 2024

United States
Foreign Policy at the U.S. National Political Conventions

Foreign policy issues regularly come to the fore at the national political conventions, especially during periods of global instability. Sometimes the events are marked by bitter disagreements within…

Delegates cheer on the floor of the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York City.

October 13, 2016

United States
The Legacy of the Ronald Reagan Administration

Experts discuss the policies and priorities of the Ronald Reagan administration and the lessons to be learned for U.S. foreign policy today.

Play RTR3PYR_EC.jpg

August 15, 2024

Monetary Policy
What Is the U.S. Federal Reserve?

Over the past decade, the Fed kept interest rates low while it deployed trillions of dollars in stimulus and expanded its regulatory oversight. Now, the central bank is back in the spotlight for its …

A stone bald eagle perches on the Federal Reserve building in Washington, DC.