929 Results for:

January 6, 2006

Monetary Policy
Read Andrew Balls and Geoff Dyer on Chinese reserve management

I strongly recommend the latest by Balls (in DC) and Dyer (in Shanghai). It covers both sides of the "does China's reserve management matter" debate.  But it gets two key points absolutely right: Chi…

February 22, 2006

United States
Shrinking dark matter watch

Or maybe shifting dark matter watch. Via Barry Ritholtz comes news that increasing US investment (according to Mandel) in one key intangible asset - US brands - may be yielding diminishing returns.  …

February 25, 2006

Is China’s peg creating more problems than benefits for China?

 Stephen "current account deficits don't matter, at least not in the dollar zone" Jen is starting to sound a bit like Brad "Doom and Gloom caucus, trade deficit division" Setser. At least on China's …

February 28, 2006

Read Richard McGregor’s FT article on China

I follow the data coming out of China pretty closely, at least for someone whose linguistic limitations crimp any long-term ambitions to be a professional China Watcher.     Not every article on Chin…

April 7, 2006

Financial Markets
Reality-based analysis of the oil exporters’ contribution to an unbalanced world

I am not a big fan of arguments not well grounded in data.Like the now immensely outdated argument that China's bilateral surplus with the US is offset by bilateral deficits elsewhere.   Right now Ch…

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