389 Results for:

August 10, 1999

United States
Pentagon Not Ready for Global Defense Industry, Says New Council on Foreign Relations Book

August 10, 1999, New York City—The end of the Cold War created a crisis for the American military industrial complex, as procurement spending dropped by over 60% in a decade and the export market imp…

September 20, 1999

Safeguarding Proseperity in a Global Financial System: The Future Financial Architecture Report of an Independent Task Force

September 20, 1999 — The international community will not make real headway in crisis prevention if private creditors—and particularly large commercial banks—can escape from bad loans to emerging eco…

July 24, 2000

United States
CFR Study Calls for ’Open Marketplace’ with Japan Backed by Assertive Trade Policy

July 28, 2000 --- The next American president should challenge his Japanese counterpart to launch a joint initiative to create a U.S.-Japan "open marketplace"— free of tariffs, with minimal regulator…

April 12, 2001

U.S. Foreign Policy
Strategic Energy Policy: Challenges for the 21st Century

April 10, 2001 - There could be more Californias in America’s future unless the U.S. government adopts a long-term, comprehensive energy policy now, according to an independent task force report co-s…

February 25, 2002

Middle East and North Africa
Can economic stagnation in the Middle East be reversed?

Only if countries in the region tackle domestic policies that hinder investment and progress, concludes new study from the Council on Foreign Relations. February 21 – Middle Eastern and North Afri…