23 Results for:

June 1, 2005

EUROPEAN UNION: The French & Dutch Referendums

This publication is now archived. What’s the significance of the French and Dutch "no" votes to the EU constitution?They have dealt the EU constitution a potentially fatal blow, experts say. All 25 m…

November 3, 2005

Territorial Disputes
Nagorno-Karabakh: The Crisis in the Caucasus

This publication is now archived. Nagorno-Karabakh’s recent history One of the former Soviet Union’s most intractable and longstanding conflicts is Nagorno-Karabakh. An enclave the size of Dela…

December 1, 2005

Muslim Brotherhood and Egypt’s Parliamentary Elections

This publication is now archived. What will the Muslim Brotherhood do with its increased presence in the Egyptian parliament?The Muslim Brotherhood, an officially banned political movement that seeks…

October 16, 2008

China’s Troubled Food and Drug Trade

China has grown into a trading giant, but recent concerns over the safety of Chinese food and drugs have increased worries that China’s production may have outpaced the country’s policing capacity.

June 23, 2016

Immigration and Migration
The U.S. Supreme Court and Obama’s Immigration Actions

The U.S. Supreme Court is set to determine the fate of millions of undocumented immigrants and could influence how future presidents wield power.
