28 Results for:

October 30, 2018

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Mail Bombs, Hate Crimes, and the Meaning of Terrorism

Last week’s mail bombs and synagogue attack have reignited a heated discussion of hate crimes and terrorism in the United States. Definitions matter in this debate.

Terrorism and Hate Crimes

July 18, 2019

United States
Who Counts in the 2020 U.S. Census?

If the Trump administration succeeds in securing citizenship data, the 2020 census could transform the way in which political power is distributed in the United States.

January 24, 2020

Mexico’s Security Dilemma

Amid a spate of drug cartel attacks, Mexico is considering whether to increase security cooperation with the United States.

May 29, 2020

Hong Kong
Is Hong Kong Still Autonomous? What to Know About China’s New Laws

Beijing’s new national security legislation could effectively end Hong Kong’s promised semiautonomy.

February 18, 2021

United States
Can the State Department Bring More Diversity to the U.S. Diplomatic Corps?

President Biden has vowed to diversify the top ranks of government agencies. The small and shrinking number of senior Black diplomats, in particular, could undermine U.S. foreign policy goals.