26 Results for:

July 1, 2009

Obama’s Summit in Russia: Which Side ’Blinks’ First?

CFR’s top Russia expert, Stephen Sestanovich, says there is a potential for some hard bargaining to take place over arms control at the July 6-8 summit of U.S. and Russian leaders.  

February 2, 2009

Economic Crises
A Warning That Stimulus Plan Could Undermine U.S. Foreign Policy

Award-winning historian Walter Russell Mead says, "The key political question of the twenty-first century is, ’How does the U.S.-China relationship develop?’"

January 21, 2009

Obama May Face ’Rebuff’ from Europe on Military Step-Up in Afghanistan

Robert E. Hunter, former U.S. ambassador to NATO, says despite U.S. wishes for more robust military presence of European NATO members, he thinks there will only be a "token response."

June 1, 2005

Saudi Arabia
Rachel Bronson on President Roosevelt and King Abdulaziz - The Meeting at Great Bitter Lake

Sixty years ago Allied forces were closing in on Nazi Germany and victory in Europe was just months away. For a week in early February, U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt met Winston Churchill …

October 16, 2003

Winston Lord: Making Up For a ’Lost Year’ in Afghanistan

Winston Lord, assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs in the Clinton administration, reports that on a recent trip to Afghanistan he found that “huge problems” rema…