10 Results for:

March 3, 2010

Media Conference Call: Iraq's Parliamentary Election

CFR's Meghan O'Sullivan and Brett McGurk say the fracturing of Iraqi political coalitions make the upcoming parliamentary elections more complicated as well as a possibly healthy step in the country'…


July 14, 2011

Media Conference Call: CFR Independent Task Force Report on Brazil

Listen to CFR Senior Fellow and Task Force Director Julia E. Sweig, and Task Force member Donna J. Hrinak, former ambassador to Brazil, discuss the findings and recommendations of the CFR Task Forc…


April 3, 2013

Media Conference Call: Shannon K. O'Neil and Arturo Sarukhan on U.S.-Mexico Relations

CFR Senior Fellow Shannon K. O'Neil and former Mexican ambassador to the United States Arturo Sarukhan discuss the future of U.S.-Mexico relations with Foreign Affairs editor Gideon Rose.


May 15, 2013

Media Conference Call: Daniel Markey and Cameron Munter

CFR Senior Fellow Daniel Markey, and former U.S. ambassador to Pakistan, Cameron Munter discuss the elections in Pakistan and the future of U.S.-Pakistan relations.


September 3, 2014

Media Conference Call: The Future of NATO

Listen to Ivo Daalder, former U.S. permanent representative to NATO and president of the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and Michael McFaul, former U.S. ambassador to Russia and professor of politi…
