Manhattan, KS - not Manhattan, NY
from Follow the Money

Manhattan, KS - not Manhattan, NY

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This is the time of year when I stop being a New York-based international economist/ blogger and return, briefly, to being a full-time Kansan.   

Concretely, that means I won’t be foraging for food on the streets of New York.  Instead, I will be pampered by my mother’s amazing talent with flour, sugar, butter (lots of butter, alas) and nuts.   I am not entirely cut off from modern electronic communication but this blog won’t be my top priority …

I expect to start posting regularly again toward the end of next week.  I trust China won’t release its November reserve data – a data point I am eagerly awaiting, for a host of reasons - the day after Christmas.

If it fits, Merry Christmas.   To all, happy holidays. 

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