1,463 Results for:

September 18, 2024

United States
The Millennium Challenge Corporation at 20: Progress and Prospects

Panelists reflect on the past, present, and future of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) having reached its twentieth anniversary of operation, as well as the future of economic diplomacy and…

Play Millennium Challenge Corporation CEO Alice Albright speaks at podium in Washington, DC, U.S.

May 9, 2018

Faith, Poverty, and Action

David Beckmann, Simone Campbell, and Ruth W. Messinger, with Lisa Sharon Harper moderating, discuss faith, poverty, and action, as part of the 2018 CFR Religion and Foreign Policy Workshop.

Play Faith Poverty and Action

March 6, 2019

Policy in Practice: Addressing Poverty with Behavioral Economics

The 2019 Robert B. Menschel Economics Symposium discusses the ways behavioral economics can inform development policy to create effective solutions to poverty at the international, national, and loca…

Play Menschel2

November 16, 2006

Ending Global Poverty

Watch Muhammad Yunus, founder and managing director of the Grameen Bank and recipient of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize, discuss the role of microcredit in fighting poverty.


November 16, 2006

Ending Global Poverty

12:00 – 12:30 p.m. Lunch12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Meeting
