986 Results for:

April 26, 2011

North Korea
No Good Options on North Korea

As former president Jimmy Carter visits Pyongyang, any movement on resumption of stalled talks on North Korea’s denuclearization is unlikely, says CFR fellow Sue Terry. Washington should continue to …

February 19, 2014

North Korea
Making the Case Against North Korea

While North Korea has been condemned by a UN panel for crimes against humanity, its ally China is focused on denuclearization, not human rights, says CFR’s Scott Snyder.

April 11, 2013

North Korea
A New Containment Policy for Iran, North Korea

Rather than seeking regime overthrow in North Korea and Iran, Washington should pursue an updated version of Soviet-era containment policy, says expert Robert Litwak.

March 1, 2012

North Korea
Wary Steps Forward With North Korea

North Korea’s agreement to freeze nuclear activities and allow in inspectors, while stirring hopes, echoes past deals that have failed to initiate a sustained denuclearization program, says expert Ma…

June 14, 2010

North Korea
Need For ’Robust’ Tack on North Korea

The Obama administration should mount a more vigorous effort to address North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, says Charles L. (Jack) Pritchard, co-chairman of a new CFR Independent Task Force report.