62 Results for:

April 21, 2006

The World Bank and Corruption

A decade after the World Bank mounted its first anticorruption campaign, the impact appears to have been minimal. Paul Wolfowitz, the bank’s new president, is seeking to reinvigorate the effort. But …

March 30, 2006

Thailand Election Preview

As Thailand heads into snap elections April 2, embattled Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra tries to fend off protests from opposition groups who charge him with autocratic governance and corrupt busi…

May 6, 2011

Fossil Fuels
Oil Market Volatility

Though shifts in demand and reduced production by some major producers have influenced oil prices, investor behavior is also increasing market volatility.

October 26, 2005

United States
Recruitment Woes for U.S. Guard and Reserve

This publication is now archived. The current crisisThe war in Iraq is the United States’ first sustained conflict since the military shifted to an all-volunteer force in 1973. As the casualty count …

February 16, 2005

North Korea
NORTH KOREA: Parallel to Iraq?

This publication is now archived. Why does the United States treat North Korea differently from Iraq?Bush administration officials argue that North Korea and Iraq--both rogue states pursuing worrisom…