88 Results for:

September 9, 2019

Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia’s Oil Vision and the Oil Price Cycle

Saudi Arabia’s oil industry is on the move with strategic changes in leadership, investments, and a broadening of its global businesses. The moves, which include larger investments in refining and pe…

Saudi Arabia's new Energy Minister, Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman takes a tour at the exhibition during the 24th World Energy Congress in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates September 9, 2019. REUTERS/Satish Kumar

July 29, 2011

Middle East and North Africa
The Successor to Prince Saud?

An interesting royal decree from Saudi Arabia this past week suggests who may finally succeed Saud bin Faisal as foreign minister. Saud, son of the late King Faisal (who ruled 1964-1975) has been fo…

November 6, 2012

Saudi Arabia
Generational Change in Saudi Arabia

Since the death of modern Saudi Arabia’s founder in 1953, the kingdom has been led by his sons--serving as kings, crown princes, and cabinet ministers. The crown has been passed from brother to broth…

Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Nayef

March 19, 2018

Saudi Arabia
IPO Politics and the Saudi U.S. Visit

This post is co-written by Jareer Elass, an energy analyst who has covered the Gulf and OPEC for 25 years. He is a regular contributor to the Arab Weekly. This week, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bi…

Saudi Arabia' oil minister and chairman of Saudi Aramco Khalid A. Al-Falih arrives as Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman meets Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May in Downing Street in London, March 7, 2018.

June 3, 2011

Human Rights
Can Bahrain Save Itself?

The first real glimmers of positive news emerged from Bahrain in the last two days. The king lifted the state of emergency on June 1. He then called for “all necessary steps to prepare for a serious …