168 Results for:

November 22, 2010

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Terrorism Trials and Detention’s Future

The Ghailani verdict focuses renewed attention on the debate over how to detain and prosecute terrorism suspects, which will persist until the Obama administration comes up with a firm policy, says C…

March 28, 2011

The Debate Over U.S. Libya Intervention

As President Obama prepares to present his case for the Libya intervention, congressional members are squaring off over it. The president is on solid legal ground, but it could erode if Libyan operat…

December 5, 2011

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
A Problematic Terrorist Detention Bill

Detainee policy that would mandate military custody for al-Qaeda suspects captured in the United States could have a detrimental impact on U.S. counterterrorism operations, say CFR legal experts Matt…

March 12, 2009

Economic Crises
Fight the Fire, then Redesign the Firehouse

While some G-20 leaders want to map out a "New Deal for the Twenty-First Century," CFR’s Stewart Patrick says they risk spawning a twenty-first century version of the Great Depression if they don’t a…

November 4, 2009

United States
The Fall of the Wall and American Grand Strategy

The fall of the Berlin Wall 20 years ago marked a triumph of the U.S. strategy of containment. But U.S. policymakers have been struggling to establish new guidelines for confronting the world’s compl…