596 Results for:

July 16, 2013

Will Snowden Come Between the U.S. and Latin America?

Recent revelations about U.S. surveillance activities in Latin America have provoked a range of negative responses from regional leaders, but the practical consequences will be marginal, says expert …

December 8, 2009

Climate Change
Refining the Energy-Environment Balance

Total CEO Christophe de Margerie says energy companies need firm direction from governments on how they should invest long term and urges global leaders to consider energy security along with the env…

September 21, 2005

North Korea
North Korea Expert Pritchard: Agreement is a ‘Good’ One, But Dealing with Details Will Be Tough

Charles L. Pritchard, a former top U.S. negotiator with North Korea, says the recently announced set of principles for ending North Korea’s nuclear-weapons program was “a good agreement” and set the …

October 30, 2009

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Honduran Politics and the Chavez Factor

Christopher Sabatini, a Latin America expert, says the apparent resolution of the Honduran political crisis--triggered in part by concerns over Hugo Chavez’s influence--marks a triumph for Obama admi…

April 21, 2008

Elections and Voting
Gyngell: East Asia Worries about 2008 Democrats’ Trade Rhetoric

Allan Gyngell, a former Australian diplomat, says there is concern in Australia and East Asia that the next U.S. president might retreat from the United States’ support for free trade.