1,323 Results for:

June 13, 2012

Economic Crises
A Conversation with Timothy F. Geithner

Secretary Geithner discusses the state of the global economy and the U.S. recovery.


June 10, 2009

A Conversation with Morgan Tsvangirai

Join Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, in Washington for the first time in seven years, to discuss Zimbabwe's present and future.  


April 26, 2011

Economic Crises
A Conversation on the Economy with Timothy F. Geithner

(Note: This event was fed in progress.)DANIEL L. DOCTOROFF: (In progress) -- Council on Foreign Relations meeting with Secretary Timothy Geithner. My name's Dan Doctoroff. I'm the president of Bloom…


September 18, 2008

Morgan Stanley/ CIC

Reuters is reporting that Morgan Stanley has approached the China Investment Corporation (CIC) for additional capital; it isn’t just talking to Wachovia. It order to get the equity it needs, the …

September 20, 2008

Wachovia/ Morgan Stanley/ CIC?

The reporting from Asia on Friday suggested limits to the CIC’s interest in Morgan Stanley. Restrictions on the ability of foreign banks to participate in the “TARP” (the current acronym for the b…