56 Results for:

March 31, 2011

Egypt’s Real Debates Begin

Uncertainty pervades Cairo as the country weighs its post-Mubarak democratic options. Washington should stand ready to assist an Egyptian-led transformation, writes CFR’s Robert Danin.

November 3, 2017

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
Taking Stock of the Treaty on Open Skies

A little-known treaty provides transparency for confirming arms control agreements and serves as an important measure of the health of the U.S.-Russia relationship.


June 9, 2011

Constitutional Stakes in Turkey’s Election

There is little doubt Prime Minister Erdogan’s AKP party will retain power in Turkey’s June 12 elections. The focus will be on whether he uses his mandate to consolidate Turkish democracy under a new…

March 27, 2009

Transatlantic Allies Need to Overcome Grumbling

President Obama’s first major overseas summits are shadowed by disputes with European allies over stimulus plans and commitment to the Afghan war. He should seize the opportunity to appeal for a stro…

February 17, 2011

Global Governance
The G20’s Continuing Policy Drift

Instead of addressing serious problems in global imbalances, the February 18-19 meeting of the G20 finance minister is poised to go astray with ineffectual talks on reforming the international moneta…