70 Results for:

July 12, 2010

What the Russian Spy Case Reveals

The arrest of ten alleged Russian agents in U.S. suburbs raises questions about the nature of spying in the twenty-first century. Former U.S. spies discuss the enduring need for intelligence collecte…

April 18, 2012

International Organizations
Does Kim Signal World Bank Changes?

Four global experts assess Dr. Jim Yong Kim’s appointment as World Bank president and whether the institution needs governance reform.

November 29, 2005

What Should Be The U.S. Exit Strategy From Iraq?

It is the question of the moment in Washington: How and when should the United States begin drawing down its forces in Iraq and turning over more responsibility for that nation’s security to local fo…

February 14, 2011

United States
The U.S. Budget’s Tightrope Act

The White House’s proposed budget for FY2012 tries to balance spending cuts with investment to boost competitiveness. CFR experts examine how well it handles deficit reduction, defense, foreign aid, …

December 26, 2012

Challenges for Global Governance in 2013

Five global think tank leaders examine the increasingly complex global challenges and the role of the international community in confronting them.